School is almost over, and summer vacations are just around the corner! So, we thought it would be the perfect timing to share with you a list of exciting games and activities to enjoy while outside!
June 17th, 2019
1. DIY Recycled Musical Instrument
This is a crowd pleaser and the perfect way to get everyone to get involve (even if they’re a bit shy).
1. Gather all the plastic bottles and boxes you have laying around the house. 2. Fill them with sand, pebbles, rice or lentils and tape the lid with duck tape (or crazy glue). markers, stickers or even paint.
3. Let kids decorate them with markers, stickers or even paint.
2. Musical Hide & Seek
This form of hiding and seek is played with objects and is an excellent tool to help the child improve his or her listening skills! The only thing you need is a toy that makes some sort of sound or a music device.
The point of the game is to find a toy (or object) that is hidden by listening to its music. The more the child plays it, the better his listening skills get!
3. Musical Chairs
This is a party favorite! Set up chairs in two rows, and make the kids dance in circles around them to the beat of a song. Every other minute, stop the music and collect one of the chairs. Players are eliminated every time the music stops and they cannot find a seat to sit down. The last kid sitting on a chair wins!
4. Musical Trivia
Musical Trivia is a great game for older kids. Plus, it allows you to brush up on those music lessons they might already forgotten. Simply come up with a set of questions and every time a kid or a team (it depends on how you want to set it up) answers a question correctly they get a treat or small gift.
As time passes, questions can get harder, making it more challenging for everyone involved!
5. Spin the Microphone
Spin the microphone is a fun game if you are at a party or at a park with a group of children. The great thing about it, is that you can customize it any form you want!
Everyone should sit down in a circle with a working microphone at the center. Taking turns, children will spin the mic. (just like you will spin a bottle) and the person sitting across the mic’s head when it stops must burst into song.
For more exciting games we suggest you check out this article published in