Learning music theory is not always easy, especially when you have words you cannot remember. But, once you get the hang of specific terms, your music theory learning journey will be smooth as silk!
— August 26th, 2021
Musicradar.com published a Music Theory Glossary with the essential terms, and so we took the liberty of choosing ten terms we believe are indispensable when learning music theory for the first time.
1. Ascending
Rising in pitch or going up the piano keyboard from left to right.
2. Chord
More than two notes played at the same time.
3. Descending
Falling in pitch, or going down the piano keyboard from right to left.
4. Harmony
A tune that complements a melody when played at the same time. Also refers to the relationship between a series of chords.
5. Interval
The difference between two note pitches. Intervals are named according to the number of letter names they span, eg from C to D is a second, C to F is a fourth, etc.
6. Key
The scale on which a piece of music is based. The key takes its name from the tonic, or first note of this scale.
7. Major scale
The most common scale in Western music. A series of eight notes with a set pattern of intervals: 2-2-1-2-2-2-1.
8. Melody
A sequence of notes played one after the other to produce a tune.
9. Scale
A sequence of notes going up or down the keyboard with a particular pattern of intervals between them.
10. Tone
Short for ‘whole tone,’ an interval of two semitones.
For the full glossary of terms, click here or visit www.musicradar.com